Golden Wisdom for "In Search of Balance"


Golden Wisdom

·     Always have hope in a brighter future. There is always a way to go back and fix your past.

·        There is at least one other way of getting what you want. If you start to believe that there is only one way to do something; You are wrong.

·        Sometimes reflecting on a joy from your past is all you need to remind you who you are.

·        Staying close to those that you have a deep love for, is the best way for you to share your gifts.

·     If you are unsure of what your next path should be, there is always someone wiser that can assist you in knowing what is best.

·       Life is a lot more enjoyable when you share it with others.

·     Don’t forget to look for the hazards of life. If you are aware of them, you are less likely to be hurt by them.

·   The best people to assist you are those that only want you to succeed. Their joy comes from watching you do that.

·      The best friends are those that look up to your mentors and realize your worth.

·      Good friends will always lift you up and not have any joy in tearing you down.

·      The best gifts are those that not only assist you but makes a difference in the world.

·      You can always find a way to get on a better path in life; if you are willing to look for it.

·      Don’t blame others for the choices you made.

·      You have magic to share. It’s the gifts that you have developed by being true to yourself.

·        Achieving your goals is a lot easier if you have the assistance of other good people.

·        Being resentful only brings upset and sadness.

·        You can influence people for the good when your motives are pure.

·        You have the magic within you to combat any dark force that enters your life.

·        If you think that you can control anyone else, you are part of dark energy.

·       Showing your gratitude is the best way for you to always feel joy in your life.

·    Sometimes your path getting upset; by event not in your control; can be a blessing. It can help you see what really is of value.

·       When you bless others, you receive blessings in ways you might not always expect.

·        If you are patient with life being “messed up” you might be surprise at how fast your life can get back in order.

·   It's surprisingly easy to find a friend. The best question you can ask, “Am I making someone a better person?”

·     Judging others in their actions before really getting to know them is the easiest way to create an enemy.

·     Sometimes you can forget who you really are. A good friend will assist you in seeing your true self.

·      If you see the world darken all around you, don’t give up on your plan to make a better world. 

·       You may be surprised in looking back at some of your darkest days, to see that there was someone there wishing you the best.

·      It’s important to evaluate your life and see if you are falling short of what you want to achieve.

·        Even in your darkest hours, there are good people wanting you to succeed.

·   When you face your fears and move forward in faith you might be surprised by the outcome.

·        It’s okay to feel sadness. Don’t let it become despair. There is always a light at the end of any dark tunnel.

·       If you start thinking you are a burden to anyone, it may be that you are starting to see that you are getting close to evolving into a better person.

·        Sometimes making big changes in your life takes a leap of faith.

·        If you start thinking that you know better than anyone else, that is the time to check your motives. Check if your heart is in the right place.

·        Even if you make a big mistake, there is always a way to make it better.

·        Remember that it’s always darkest before the rising of the sun.


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